Tuesday 25 August 2015

Session 7: 7th November 2014. A linguistic puzzle.

No notes were made for session 6, which took place at Barbican.

Session 7.
Present: DI, NM, JM
We used Greek letters for ouija, to see what sort of results that would generate.
We also spent quite a bit of time asking Vax to tell our fortunes using the (near) full set of fortune telling cards. We also did some spirit drawing, using felt tipped pens and blindfolds. The first drawing looked a bit like some sort of animal, once a nose and eyes were added. The second looked more like a scribble, but you could still add bits to it.

Here follows the transcript of the greek letters Vax (or other spirit) shared with us.


JM: Are we talking to Vax? Alpha if yes, Mu if no.
JM: Are you  Greek? Alpha if yes, Mu if no.
JM: No, you aren’t Greek. Are you Russian?
(further chit chat)

(Repeat of Epsilon, Pi)

I turn now to a handy website for translating the symbols from Greek to the English equivalent. So, for the first set, we have:

Mu  m
Omega o
Kappa k
Psi ps
Xi x
Beta b
Alpha a
Kappa k
Omega o
Nu  n
Chi  ch
Lambda  l

So, we have

Which sounds like gobbledegook in both English and Greek.
Breaking it up a bit:
Konchi is a hindu slang word used by the people of Fiji for ‘what’ (according to urban dictionary.com)
Thanks again to urbandictionary.com, a ‘Mok’ is a “person with an exceptionally large penis”. Mok is also a “German rapper of Turkish descent”, and there’s a Mok language, a “palaungic language of China and Thailand”
That leaves  psx, which is another name for a flavour of playstation.
Make of all that what you will.

MOKP - Google suggests “The Missouri Kidney Program is a state funded organization designed to help meet the needs of Kidney patients in the state of Missouri through education,”
MOKPS is a user identity at Roblox, an internet site for gaming.
BAKONCHI is a word in Hausa (a language I’ve never heard of) and means “the service done to a stranger” (ie hospitality)

Well none of that makes much sense to me. Over to you.

The second set:

Psi  ps
Theta th
Psi ps
Rho  r
Eta h
Kappa  k
Tau t
Lambda l
Zeta z
Nu n
Lambda l
Tau t
Mu m
Upsilon u
Mu m
Psi ps
Kappa k
Lambda l
Chi ch
Phi ph
Eta h
Omicron o
Epsilon e
Pi p
Epsilon e
Pi p

Taking the repeated Epsilon Pi sequence first, ‘epsilon pi’ is an American fraternity.
EPEPEP. Or PEPE PEPEPE. The last (pepepe) returns, in you tube, lots of music videos, all of which look horrible, even with no volume.

Of the main set, we have
In the middle of that there’s a ‘mumps’ and precious little else.  A google search of the entire sequence returns, unsuprisingly, no matches. Over to anyone else who wants to have a go.

Session 5: 10th October 2014

Session 5: October 10th 2014
Present: DI, JM, NM, MR
Held at the Barbican. A wonderfully discreet venue, not an eyebrow raised . The session was audio-, not video- recorded.

Ouija session was lively but confusing. Mostly unintelligible jumbles of hard-to-use consenants. Very few vowels. Hardly any recognisable words. Psychometry was more fruitful. Vax was asked to reveal our fortunes, which he did obligingly.   Here follows an extract from one of the 3 transcripts I made, and a transcript of a psychometry session.

Extract from transcript 1:

JM: Good evening Vax. ok … yeah. Let’s go.
Spirit: B.O.N.
NM: Is it an N?
DI: It might be a Y - BOY
JM: Is it Y or N?
NM: Could be ‘BOM’
DI well that’s Z isn’t it?
JM: Oh yeah. It isn’t an ‘N’.
NM: Is it ‘BOY’?
Spirit: C
Spirit: Z
NM: I was going to bring the Man2Man meets Man Parish but I thought it was the wrong time period: I’d forgotten that those ages were the ages at death
JM: Right. Vax.
Spirit: O.A.L.
NM: A bit older than I thought. Than he claims to be.
Spirit: Z
NM: Well maybe he’s 50.
JM: O A L Z.
JM: A load of gobbledegook.
JM: Jesus!
NM: Concentrating properly
MR: Is this in English?
Spirit: J. Q [or P]. B. M. X.
NM: Bike?
JM: Wot you saying Vax?
JM: OK who is it
NM: Have you actually asked whether it’s Vax?
JM: No. Is that Vax?
JM: I like your logic matthew?
MR: Just because they’re dead doesn’t mean they can’t think
JM: [to MR] do you think that’s one of the best things you’ve ever said?
MR: I hope not
JM: We love you Vax… we love you… LETS GO!
Spirit: F. No. F.O.A.R.
JM: Baby!
[unidentifyable] BABY FORD
NM: He’s still alive isn’t he?
Spirit: P. A. N. Goodbye.
JM: OK. FOARD. [unintelligble]
DI: Yes, I said to you we should try and get hold of dead rappers. Biggie Small. Tupac
MR: Look, look
NM: It’s back!
JM: The beetle’s back
DI: Yes there are a lot of flies here actually
JM: it’s going straight for the liquid again

DI: Did you get the emails that said bring something Russian?
MR: Yes I did and I was going to bring…
NM: … something that could have been a possession of Vaxes
JM: Come on Vax is probably getting  impatient. Right, ok. Is anybody there? And if so, name yourself Spirit: H.I.
JM: Who are you?
MR: Are you ok?
Spirit: N. Y.
JM New York? Nick Yarrow?
Spirit: N.Y.I.
NM: New York Institute?
Spirit: O
NM: Try again, spirit, please
Spirit: Y.O.
Spirit: X. F. U. G.
NM: Fug, XF Fug
Spirit: C
MR: … lower ground floor. Should be outside.
DI: Closer to hell.
NM: [uninteligble] exactly
Spirit: L. O.
NM: it’s trying again. Was confused before.
JM: Hello
NM: Maybe its different people coming through…
Spirit: D.I.Q.F.W.C. Hello. Goodbye

Psychometry interlude:
JM  does psychometry with NM’s penguin.
JM: I’m getting a goal post. Like on a football pitch. And i’m getting marshmallows - pink and white. I think this man used to wear marshmallows about his person. Sounds a little odd, but I think he was an eccentric
DI: You don’t say
JM: and I’m getting lipstick… bright red lipstick. smearrred all over the bottom half - the front of a face. I can’t tell if it’s a MAN or a WOMAN. Now I’m getting rain clouds… rain clouds. I think that’s symbolic. There’s rainclouds over this person and they’re  pouring down on their HEAD. I  think they are quite depressed and low. But there’s also a little hobgoblin nippin around in the rainclouds...I think he was a little imp when he got going. That’s all

[silence and some mumbled discussion]

JM tries with Vax psychometry object brought by DI.
JM: I’m gettin… sparklers. Like you see at Bonfire Night. I’m getting sparklers run all around someone’s face. He’s a very handsome young man. He is, but he doesn’t know it. He thinks he’s a piece of shit… He’s not a piece of shit, he’s really good looking. The tragedy is he doesn’t see it. I’m gettin SPARKLERS all around his FACE! I’m gettin a soiled bed like Tracy Emin’s bed. [gutteral noise] they’re drawin’ back the covers [nearly corpsing] … there’s faeces in the bed! There’s faeces in the bed! I don’t know what that means. It might be symbolic. I’m gettin a big slice of lemon, merangue, pie. I think that’s all.
JM: Anyone else?

NM does psychometry on penguin.
NM: I’m  getting quiet… boredom… hunger… cold, pink, frosty, sausage, fish (I know it’s a penguin, but…). Yeah, cod. Blue? Carpet? Red carpet? Reddish brown carpet - not Hollywood red. Warm. Black and white television. Em. The radio. Burgers. Traffic, concrete, rain, flour, dumpling, bit of warm skin, lemon, sherberty lemon.. gone.

MR does psychometry on glasses.
MR: America, desert road, the thought of the police, an open top car, a kind of quiet acceptance. An older person, about 50, maybe a little bit younger, heavy breathing, slight itchy arms. That’s all I’m getting. 

[Following this, further transcribed sessions]

Session 4: 26th September 2014

September 26th 2014
Present: JH, DI, JM, NM, MR

A full house! Very exciting. This was a good session, although I managed to lose or misplace 4 of the 5 pages of drawings of characters. I changed the structure slightly, to a 3 part work session:

1.  Use the round robin / consequences drawing / character creation method used in session 1 to come up with some alternative identities for Vax from Vladivostock.
2.  Use the material generated at 1 to inform the ouija question and answer
3. Use the planchette / pointer for automatic writing.

1.  Vax character development
Generated some really good  images and text, but I  unfortunately misplaced all but one of them. I subsequently found them, but haven't scanned them, and now unclear where they are. I'm' not sure whether this losing of useful / important information characterises this work or just my life in general. The one I scanned at the time is included here:

vax image1 small.jpg
So. This is Vax.

2. Transcription of ouija session
JM: Everyone glad to be here. Gathering fingers and strength and asking that VAX makes manifest which picture looks the most like him (the pictures are arranged around the circle). who is Vax?
JH: Vax are you there? Vax, if you are there can you point toward the picture that most resembles you?
Is it Nicholas’s picture?
JH: Vax, which picture.
(it is ‘deluded and qualuuded’).
Spirit: L.
JM: No, not L
NM: L, no.
JH: Does that picture look like you Vax?
Spirit: Yes
MR: Are we talking to Vax, or someone who knows Vax
Spirit: J. K. C.
NM: Jesus Christ
MR: Are you  JC?
(JM pleads for clear enunciation)
JH: Are you from Vladivostok?
JM: So it sounds like you’ve had some problems in your life (sniggering)
Spirit: V. A. X.
JM: Hello Vax
MR: Is what we wrote about you accurate?
Spirit: V. K. (or U.K). Yes.
JH: Do you know Transiberian Tony
Spirit: H. U. S.
JH: Husky?
Spirit: H.U.S.T.L.E.R.
JM. So Transiberian Tony was a hustler?
JH. Or are you a hustler?
Spirit: Yes.
JH: Do you do it with BOYS or GIRLS?
Spirit: Yes
JH: Boys!
JM: Why does that not surprise me?
MR: Did you hustle any of us here?
DI: Ooo I don’t want to know.

JH: Vlad are you there
JM: Vax!
NM:He’s going to be  pissed off now. That’s twice he’s been refered to as Vlad.
JM: Or is JC there
JH: Or is  someone different there?
JM: Is there anyone there?
JH: Is Bobby Farrell there?
Spirit: Q. I.
JM: Stephen Fry.
Spirit: Q. I. W.
JH: Is that Bobby Farrell
MR: Are you Chinese?
JM: Why would he be?
MR: It’s a Chinese name
MR: Did you go to Taboo?
JM: You Chinese?
MR: Were you a fashion student?
JH: Are you  Chinese Ken?
NM: Who was Chinese Ken?
JM: He was Chinese. And he was called Ken.
General: Hello Chinese Ken!
JM: I used to really like you, Chinese Ken
Spirit: Yes
JM: And you liked me too, right?
MR: Oh! It’s so good to speak to you again.
Spirit: Y. M. V.
JM: Did you mean ‘YMC’?
MR: Did you mean ‘EVE’?
Spirit: Y. W. I. S.
NM: YW is
Spirit: Y. O.
MR: Hello You!
JH: Is someone different there?
MR: Is there anybody there?
Spirit: Hello
MR: Who are you?
Spirit: N.V.A.
JH: Is that Vax?
Spirit: Yes
(yes, it’s Vax, high Vax)
Spirit: W.E.N.O.
MR: We Know.
JM: What do we know.
Oh, it’s not ‘we know’. Sorry
Spirit: N. W. S. V. R.L. X. B. W. M (or L).
Spirit: Goodbye.

3. Automatic writing 
For example...

auto1 small.jpg